
Safety Management


An effective safety program is an essential part of any risk management program. Studies have proven that companies which implement and enforce safety policies reduce injuries and save money.

Benefit Management Services of Ohio, Inc. can assist in the development of specialized safety management policies and procedures which will have a positive impact on your injury and severity experience ratings.

Our experienced, expert staff will audit and evaluate your job site to determine if violations exist and make recommendations for abatement.

“They have an experienced, courteous, and professional staff, and they have helped our company to effectively manage our workers’ compensation claims and control our premium costs.”

–John S. Santisi, President
Phoenix Supermarkets, Inc.
We also offer safety training for all levels of personnel to ensure compliance to both federal and state laws and provide support documentation for personnel records and OSHA inspection verification.

Our safety policies and procedures also include the necessary forms for required record keeping and program evaluation.

We also provide computer access to OSHA standards which allow for quick reference and verification of requirements. See:

OSHA Recordkeeping Policies and Procedures Manual
OSHA 300 Log, Form 300, 300A, 301 and Instructions
OSHA Fact Sheets
OSHA Publications and Posters

If you are concerned about escalating compensation costs and the costs associated with on-the-job injuries, we can help!

Safety & Environmental Procedures

BMSO will assist you in developing a comprehensive/effective safety program to assist in reducing injuries.

Fees are based on the amount of time needed to develop the required policies and/or the training of personnel.

Safety Policies and Procedures Available

Accident Investigation Procedure
Compressed Gas Cylinders
Confined Space Entry Procedure
Contractors' Utility/Equipment Permit
Contractors' Work/Flame Permit
Crane Inspection, Operation and Operator Training
Emergency Eyewash/Shower Stations
Eye, Face and Head Protection
General Safety Principles
Hazard Communications
Hearing Conservation
Joint Labor-Management Safety Committee
Lock, Tag, Try Procedure
Occupant Protection in Motor Vehicles
OSHA Required Safety Training
OSHA Inspections
OSHA 300 Recordkeeping
Piping Content Identification
Portable Fire Extinguishers
Pre-job Meeting Checklist Procedure
Respiratory Protection
Safe Job Procedures
Safety Requirements for Working at Elevated Locations
Safety Requirements for Use, Care and Protection of Abrasive Grinding Wheels
Safety Policy Statement/Prologue/Certification of Approval to Corporate Safety and Health Policies and Procedures
Safety Indoctrine for New and Transferred Employee
Safety Record Card
Supervisors' Monthly Safety Meetings

Environmental Policies and Procedures Available

Air Permit Requirements
Air Emissions Data Tables
Collection and Accumulation of Hazardous Waste Compliance Matrix
Definitions and Acronyms
Disposal of Hazardous Waste
Effective Use of Environmental Control Instructions
Emergency Response & Notification Reports
Hazardous Waste Overview
Index of Environmental Control Instructions
Material Classification
Personnel Training Requirements
Regulated Materials List
Regulatory Overview
Spill Prevention & Preparedness
Spill Prevention Inspections
Water Permit Requirements

Downloadable Brochure

BMSO Inc. Safety Brochure